Helping youth of all ages
grow in Jesus Christ.
Growing our understanding of the love of Jesus Christ
Complete 2023-2024 Youth Medical Form: Click here
Complete 2023-2024 Children & Youth Medical Form: Click here
Meets the 2nd Monday of each month in the Gathering Space, building 3
"1 John: Darkness vs. Light"
Wednesday's 10 am, Youth Room
Wednesday's 7 pm via Zoom
"Connecting in Christ"
Thursday's 7 pm via Zoom
Join our community of ladies, building community while studying The Book of Ruth
Fourth Saturday of the Month at 10 am, youth room
Phone: 805-498-8213
Office Hours M-Th 9 am - 2 pm
Friday 9 am - 1 pm
At Monte Vista, we continue to grow in our compassion as we reach out beyond ourselves and to serve others. As disciples, compassion works itself out in our approach to others - both those in our community and those outside.
We support a variety of missions at home and abroad, including, God's Hidden Treasures, Harbor House, James Storehouse, Habitat for Humanity, IMPACT, Lighthouse Shelter, Harbor House, Manna, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Teen Challenge, Lifewater International, Saving Innocence and Younglife.
If you would like to help us serve the community, consider volunteering with us at the building projects with Habitat for Humanity and supporting shelter meals. For more information, contact Joann Carvalho at
Our goal is to live out the words in Matthew 28 when Jesus says to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing and teaching others. He also reminds us that “surely I am with you always to the very end of the age.”
As we go out, we are not alone. We seek a faith that serves both people and projects through ongoing prayer and financial support. We equip and send out short and long-term missionaries. We seek to serve those who are in need locally and globally by providing shelter, clothes, food, and the love of God. For more information, please contact Jo Ann Carvalho at
Monte Vista Presbyterian church has been a long time supporter of Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County. For many years we have supported their efforts through our Mission outreach, with both monetary support and participation in their home build programs and with their efforts with playhouse builds for the military families of Ventura County. As an organization, Habitat seeks to build a county where everyone has a safe, decent place to live. They help support the building of affordable homes in the county through a program where the eventual homeowner can participate in the building of their own home and assume a mortgage that they can afford. Potential homeowners complete 250 to 500 hours of sweat equity working alongside Habitat volunteers to help build their own homes. They offer families a “hand up, not a handout.” Habitat also supports home repairs for low-income homeowners, and they advocate for policies that create more housing for struggling families.
Habitat has been in Ventura County since 1983 and has built 72 homes and has repaired over 170 houses over that time. 100% of donations are invested into the programs to keep building. Habitat’s current projects are in communities in Port Hueneme (townhomes) and South Oxnard Cypress Court (tiny homes), and their work presses on despite the COVID pandemic. As many businesses have been adversely affected by COVID, Habitat could always use your donation and this can be done directly through their website at
Habitat for Humanity also maintains home item donation sites (“Re-stores”) in Simi Valley and Oxnard, where you can donate gently used furniture that are sold to help fund their activities. You can even call for a pickup from your home after contacting them. Your donation is also tax-deductible and you will receive a receipt for taxes just as if you donated to other charities.
William L. Trotter, MD Your Habitat Mission Liaison
Consider donating items on the list to the right. Drop them off
at Monte Vista Presbyterian Church in the Narthex.
Serve our local community needs in 3 ways:
#1 Purchase items below and then contact Lutheran Social Services to arrange for a drop off in Thousand Oaks. Donations may
be coordinated with Nathan Hickling at 805-497-6207 ext.1064.
Here are the specific needs:
• Protective Masks
• Plastic Forks
• Men's and Women's socks (white or black)
• Women's underwear (size small and medium)
• Men's underwear (boxers; size medium)
• Men's shorts or pants (waist sizes 32 – 38)
• Men's and Women's Deodorant
• Facial wipes
• Pop top food items like chili, Chef Boyardee pasta meals, tuna/spam
#2 Purchase items below for Harbor House and the shelter meal program and then drop off at Trinity Lutheran Church
(1 W Avenida de los Arboles, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360). Donations dropped off Monday through Friday between 1-2pm.
Here are needs:
• Chips
• Cookies
• Fresh Fruit or Fruit cups
• Granola bars
• Trail Mix and or Nuts
*All items should be individual serve packages (due to health restrictions/guidelines).
#3 To arrange a pick up through Monte Vista, contact Jo Ann Carvalho from the Mission Committee at 805.368.3464
Thank you!!
Is not God’s call to “Share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter—when you see the naked, to clothe them, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?” -Isaiah 58:7